An Old Midlish Rhyme
The wind from the North sings of heroes of Olde
The wind from the East makes our blood run Cold
The wind from the South smells of Spices and Gold
But the wind from the West tells of warriors Bold.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Escort Duties

I've been trying to focus on my 19thC interests but every time I turn my back I can hear the rythamic clash spear against shield. In order to quiet them, I have decided to dig out an old Table Top Teaser.

"..You are to select positions for your force to ambush a convoy proceeding from the west. This convoy consists of Princess Zenobii of Kali and her considerable dowry escorted by soldiers of the future husband, the Emperor Osbosis of Dubris. You are to intercept and seize both Princess and dowry before They cross the bridge to the south and safety.".  for the original refight thanks to Steve the Wargamer

Tempting to use this as an excuse to paint up some Clibinari and set the game farther east but I'm sure the hills of Anatolia will provide a suitable site for an ambush.

Red Force (Ambush Party)             
1 unit of light archers  
1 unit of light slingers
1 unit of light/medium javelins
1 unit of light cavalry   

Blue Force (Road Party)
1 unit of light cavalry 
2 units of medium infantry
1 unit of light archers
1 small unit of super heavy cavalry
1 litter with bearers
1 wagon of treasure
1 unit of heavy cavalry 

hmm, I don't see any mention of a Priestess riding a Tiger, must be a misprint.

Now which side is which?

1 comment:

  1. No no no... thanks to Charles Grant - he did the hard work. All I did was blag them and put them on the web! :o))
